Welcome To Cynorix
Reimaging Key Generation and User Authentication
“The know-how leading to the development of Cynorix products and solutions stem from many years of academic research in the areas ofInformation Theory and Software Systems. Backed with liberal IP policy of the University of Waterloo, we have managed to bring these theoretical findings to practical use.”
About UsEncryption Key Generation Technologies - Quantum-safe Random Keys Generated by:
- Measuring packet delay over the Internet - added in high-level software on top of existing encryption
- Measuring pattern of packet errors in wireless - added in high-level software (to any wireless protocol/system) on top of existing encryption
- Using error-correcting codes with a randomized encoder and a randomized decoder - added in high-level software on top of existing encryption
- Exploiting reciprocity in channel phase in wireless transmission
Composite Multi-factor Authentication Technologies:
- Multiple authentication methods are combined, enabling selection of the most suitable authentication procedure on a case-by-case basis (depending on the target level of user convenience and if the user is registered or not).
- By packaging two methods of authentication for registered users, one can select between: (i) a method which does not require interacting with the second authenticating device, and (ii) a method that does require interacting with the second authenticating device, but in turn makes man-in-the middle attack impossible and enhances encryption by mixing authentication with key sharing.
Some Applications of Our Technologies
Low cost and secure access to information can change humans for better.