Automated, Real-time, Multi-factor Authentication

Organizations such as banks usually have to lower their security barriers to avoid overburdening their clients. Cynorix adaptive multi-factor authentication has surpassed all known standards of security, while providing highest level of convenience for users (please see table below this page for comparison with DUO).

  • Multiple authentication methods are combined, enabling selection of the most suitable authentication procedure on a case-by-case basis (depending on the target level of user convenience and if the user is registered or not).
  • By packaging two methods of authentication for registered users, one can select between: (i) a method which does not require interacting with the second authenticating device, and (ii) a method that does require interacting with the second authenticating device, but in turn makes man-in-the middle attack impossible and enhances encryption by mixing authentication with key sharing.

CYNORIX Authentication in Comparison with DUO